Sunday, January 9, 2011

Week 5

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Enough about the heat already. No more posts about how hot it is. Unless it's still like this in March. Then you might hear about it again.

Anyhoo... despite the soaring temperatures this week we enjoyed a number of get-togethers with friends and that's reflected in this week's Project 365 photos. For a change there are more people photos than inanimate ones (although several also feature food).

Last Sunday we finally got our act together and Tina took a number of photos of us since we needed a new one to send to our home church. She had to take a lot in an attempt to get a decent shot. I cannot stress how much I hate having my picture taken. It's a genetic thing I inherited from my mom, along with the nervous tic that causes me to close my eyes right along with the shutter on the camera which results in me looking demented, drunk or just plain dumb. I think Sunday the count was 15 to 1.
Monday we changed the guys perception of sushi forever, adding two more converts to the cause. We just had so much fun creating our own sushi rolls!
Little by little the lake is rising. All that lush green next to the water extended completely across the lake bed just a couple months ago, creating a swampy field rather than the serene body of water you see now.
We stopped to see our friends in Cordoba this week. This was the first time since Ivan went to Juan's funeral on Christmas day. Although his wife Mirta and adult children, Lorena and Guillermo, miss him very much, they are thankful he is free of pain and with Jesus now. They and the rest of the family are going out to the house in Sta. Rosa this coming week. The first time without Juan; I'm sure it will be a time of rest but also remembering all the wonderful times they've gone there in the past with him.
When we stopped at their house, they didn't have power so not even a fan to help cool off in that awful 100+ temperature and there's not enough photo magic in the world to get rid of all the red in this picture without rendering them unrecognizable. 

Thursday night we had Nestor and Graciela over for asado. We joked that Ivan is Nestor's "asado disciple". Those two really enjoy preparing asado. And the rest of us enjoying eating it!
They brought the postre (dessert) which happened to be a kilo of ice cream from Venezia's. An interesting flavor combination of strawberry (real, whole strawberries included!), chocolate, fig with nuts, and kumquat with whiskey. Yes, a very interesting combination. Here's Ivan filling cones to order.
Friday I visited my optometrist since I couldn't see very well with my new glasses. NO, these are not the new glasses! Ivan snapped this photo of me while the optometrist was double checking his original measurements to make sure everything was right -- and it was.
Looks like the lab who made the lenses messed up so we took them back to the shop where we bought them and the woman there is sending them back to the lab. We'll find out Wednesday what they say. This pair is multi-focal and I could see fine out the very tippy top but when I looked through the middle or lower part it felt like I was in one of those mirrored fun houses at the fair, and I could not see clearly AT ALL to read. It's been a rather frustrating quest to get a pair of functional glasses. I'm ready to go back to regular old bi-focals and am hoping that's an option when we talk to them on Wednesday.

Cooler weather on Saturday meant we could actually enjoy sitting outdoors with friends for (yes, another!) asado. Our friend Abram invited us to join him and his kids, his neighbors, other relatives and friends...16 in all. We made new friends and had a great time.
As I sit here I can hear the pitter-patter of rain on the sidewalk outside. Not the huge torrential storm we expected but a nice soft, looks-like-it-might-keep-it-up-all-day kind of rain. I sure hope it does! We need the moisture along with the cooling effects.

While we contend with the summer heat, it'll be fun to read the winter adventures of other Project 365 participants. Maybe that will make me feel cooler too.

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